Honoring Their Service: Motorcycle/Jeep escort starts at SWU
Jun 18, 2018 | Community, Contagious generosity
“We can't all be heroes, some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by,” -Mark Twain.
Keep ReadingMar 31, 2025 | Academics
CENTRAL, S.C. – Southern Wesleyan University (SWU) is pleased to announce that Dr. Nathan Street has been...
Keep ReadingMar 25, 2025 | Special Events, Science
CENTRAL, S.C. – Southern Wesleyan University proudly hosted the 2025 South Carolina Region 1 Science Fair...
Keep ReadingJun 18, 2018 | Community, Contagious generosity
“We can't all be heroes, some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by,” -Mark Twain.
Keep ReadingJun 15, 2018 | Fine Arts, Music Ensemble Scholarships
Liberty High School graduate Matthew Bledsoe will participate in choral ensembles in SWU Fine Arts Division.
Keep ReadingJun 15, 2018 | Success Stories: Criminal Justice, Inventive learning
In many ways, Erin Harrison found life in Washington different from what she imagined.
Keep ReadingJun 4, 2018 | Faith-filled community, Global Engagement
Dr. Paul Shotsberger, professor of education, recently led a team of education majors on an academic missions trip...
Keep ReadingJun 4, 2018 | Faith-filled community, Global Engagement
A team of SWU students spent nearly two weeks in Puerto Rico assisting with hurricane cleanup/preparedness and...
Keep ReadingJun 1, 2018 | Community, Contagious generosity
SWU was recognized for their “contagious generosity” toward the community by the Clemson Area Chamber of Commerce.
Keep ReadingMay 31, 2018 | Academics
Associate level nursing graduates from Tri-County Technical College who enroll in the RN to BSN program can receive...
Keep ReadingMay 31, 2018 | Academics, Awards and recognitions
SWU applauds these students who earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher on all work attempted in Spring 2018.
Keep ReadingMay 25, 2018 | Fine Arts, Music Ensemble Scholarships
Three Woodmont High School graduates will participate in choral ensembles in SWU's Fine Arts Division.
Keep ReadingMay 25, 2018 | Fine Arts, Music Ensemble Scholarships
Elisabeth Gibson will participate in choral ensembles in SWU's Fine Arts Division.
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