Warriors at heart. Your campus experience may only last a few years, but your connection to Southern Wesleyan can last a lifetime. Stay connected to SWU through events, publications, and social media.
The faith-filled community at SWU is comprised of students, faculty and staff who are passionate about learning and growing, both inside and outside of the classroom.
From left, Claudio Sanches, Katie Stilwell and Raphael Fernandes are excelling in a “virtual business” competition, competing against teams internationally.
Growing up with few role models, Leroy Moore turned to alcohol and drugs. Now clean from drugs and alcohol 21 years, Moore, 56, a Human Services major at Southern Wesleyan University’s Charleston education center, has a mission.
Don Campbell, professor of music at Southern Wesleyan University, was recognized in “Visions of Excellence,” a book recently published by the Barbershop Harmony Society.
Students in STEEP (Secondary Transition Education and Employability Program) spent a morning at SWU’s Central campus helping out staff at the University Dining Commons.
Mary Ann Blakely, right, of Greenville accepts the President’s Scholarship from Terry Blackwell, regional director of SWU’s Greenville education center.
Southern Wesleyan University is collecting items to make life easier for families staying with hospitalized children in the Augusta area.
According to Jason Norton, regional director of Southern Wesleyan’s North Augusta education center...
NBC News Journalist Lester Holt interviewed SWU business graduate Charity Prosser, right, and partner Jamel Foster, center, about STAND, a unique drug enforcement program.