The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) requires colleges and universities that participate in federal student financial aid programs to disclose certain information to current and prospective students and university employees. This site was developed to provide these disclosures in one coherent location. Please follow the links below for information on each of the topics listed. For questions, please contact the appropriate office.
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972 and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Southern Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, sex, or physical handicap in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. The university reserves its right to operate as a church-related institution and to develop policies consistent with the religious tenets of its sponsoring denomination, The Wesleyan Church.
Additional information related to SWU’s non-discrimination policies include:
Financial Aid
- CARES Act Consumer Information and Disclosure
- CRRSA Act Consumer Information and Disclosure
- ARP Act Consumer Information and Disclosure
- Financial Aid Staff
- Net Price Calculator
- Institutional Refund and Return of Federal Funds Policy
- Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations
- Refund Policy for Title IV Recipients
- Federal Student Aid (FSA) Dashboard (formerly known as National Student Loan Data System)
- Entrance and Exit Loan Counseling
- Financial Literacy
Health and Safety
- Health and Safety - SWU Health Center
- Sexual Misconduct Policy (including Title IX)
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Pages 55-57 of the Student Handbook describe our policies.
- Vaccination Policies are listed on the Medical History Form (pdf) and under the Health and Safety link above.
- Campus security policies, fire safety policies and crime statistics/data are in the Campus Safetypage.
- Student Disability Facilities and Services are on the Tutoring and Disability Services page.
Student Record Confidentiality
Non-Instructional Complaint Process
Southern Wesleyan University is committed to resolving non-instructional complaints in a timely and fair manner. Students are encouraged to review and follow the Student Complaint & Grievances procedures found in Appendix G of the current student handbook to begin the resolution process.
Unresolved issues may be submitted by students to the South Carolina Commission of Higher Education via the Commission’s Student Complaint Procedures and Form.
For any complaints related to instruction, including grade disputes and academic integrity, please refer to the Undergraduate or Graduate Bulletin for information and appeal procedures.
Additional Information
- Constitution Day - SWU celebrates Constitution Day annually. Download the prayer guide.
- Career Services - Browse open internships and opportunities below or set up an appointment with the career services staff for one-on-one guidance.
- EADA Report - The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) report can be accessed here. For a hard copy, please contact SWU’s Institutional Research Office at 864-644-5035 or SWU’s Director of Compliance & Associate Director of Athletics at 864-644-5304.
Student Outcomes
Southern Wesleyan University reserves the right to modify course delivery based on enrollment volume. This could include changing from a face-to-face format to a fully online format. Our desire is to provide a rich academic experience throughout your degree program.