SWU Blog

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Top Four Reasons Why Choosing SWU for Your STEM Degree is Your Best Option

11/9/2023 | by Staci Johnson | Academics

Choosing the right college or university can be a daunting task. Students must consider many factors, such as the...

7 Steps to Writing a Quality Essay

10/16/2023 | by Isaac Clary | Academics

Writing an essay can be a daunting task for many college students, but it doesn't have to be. The following 7 steps...

You're Accepted, Now What?

10/16/2023 | Admissions

1.Submit Your FAFSA I know, filling out the FASFA seems long and dreadful, but getting a head start will remove the...

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Perseverance Through Trials

05/15/2020 | Dr. Priscilla Hammond | Faculty, Spiritual Life

Do you find yourself struggling to focus during these trying times? Is it becoming easy for you to just move...

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Extravagant Generosity

05/6/2020 | Dr. Sandra McLendon | Faculty, Spiritual Life

Recently, our pastor preached about “Extravagant Generosity.” When I read the sermon title, my first...

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Letter to the SWU Class of 2024

05/1/2020 | Zach Wheeler | Admissions

Dear freshmen,  Congratulations! You made it.  You’re about to embark on what probably is the...

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God is in Control

04/21/2020 | Katherine Wiggins | Student Life, Academics, Spiritual Life

Current SWU student Katherine Wiggins describes the transition from on-campus to online classes that occurred as a...

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Working the COVID-19 Frontlines: Alumna Story

04/10/2020 | Euphemia Binda | Alumni

My husband and I moved to South Carolina in August of 2009. I was already a nursing student when we moved, but could...

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How to Talk About COVID-19

04/9/2020 | Rev. Ken Dill | Student Life, Spiritual Life

Rev. Dill shares some tips on how to discuss the current COVID-19 situation in a spiritually and mentally healthy way.

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Keep Calm and Trust God: How to Relieve Stress in Times of Uncertainty

03/27/2020 | Rev. Ken Dill | Spiritual Life

Here are some practical tools to deal with rising levels of stress and anxiety in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.

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Thoughts from Quarantine

03/25/2020 | Zach Wheeler | Student Life, Spiritual Life

Zach shares thoughts and encouragement from the perspective of a graduating senior during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Demons, Choices, and Grace in "The Lord of the Rings"

03/25/2020 | Dr. Basil "Chad" Chisholm | Faculty, Spiritual Life

Dr. Chisholm explores some of the deep philosophical inferences concerning choices and grace in Tolkien's trilogy...

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Women's History Month: Alumna Perspective

03/20/2020 | Mikkaela Bailey | Spiritual Life

As a woman and a historian, reflecting on Women’s History Month is particularly special to me this year. It is...

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