Peter Pan, pirates visit SWU
Mar 5, 2005
Peter Pan, Wendy, the lost boys, pirates and other magical characters are bringing a touch of fantasy to Southern...
Keep ReadingMar 21, 2025 | Academics, Science
CENTRAL, S.C. – Southern Wesleyan University’s School of Science, Technology, and Mathematics (STeM) is pleased to...
Keep ReadingMar 7, 2025 | Office of Advancement | Special Events
CENTRAL, S.C. – The South Carolina Region 1 Science Fair is proud to announce additional sponsors supporting...
Keep ReadingMar 5, 2005
Peter Pan, Wendy, the lost boys, pirates and other magical characters are bringing a touch of fantasy to Southern...
Keep ReadingFeb 24, 2005 | Spiritual Life
Gathering for chapel twice a day for Spiritual Emphasis at Southern Wesleyan University, students, faculty and staff...
Keep ReadingFeb 23, 2005 | Academics
The latest scoop hot off the Southern Wesleyan University presses is the introduction of a new degree in...
Keep ReadingFeb 21, 2005 | Special Events
The South Carolina National Heritage Corridor and the South Carolina Poetry Initiative announce the SCNHC Poetic...
Keep ReadingJan 24, 2005 | Student Life
Karl Ekberg, food service director for Aramark at Southern Wesleyan University, congratulates Elizabeth Payseur of...
Keep ReadingJan 19, 2005 | Student Life
Southern Wesleyan University commemorated Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in a special chapel service Jan. 18 at the...
Keep ReadingDec 17, 2004 | Administration
Southern Wesleyan University employees have volunteered to drum up holiday donations for the Salvation Army in front...
Keep ReadingDec 15, 2004 | Academics
Professors offered words of wisdom to Southern Wesleyan University’s graduates during ceremonies Dec. 11.
Keep ReadingDec 1, 2004 | Academics
Ten years after retiring from 33 years in public schools in his home province, Dr. G. Fred Woodworth finds himself...
Keep ReadingNov 19, 2004 | Fine Arts
Southern Wesleyan University’s choir performs at the Upstate Intercollegiate Choral Invitational Festival, under the...
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