Southern Wesleyan honors top students during convocation
Apr 26, 2011 | Academics
Southern Wesleyan University recognized the achievements of outstanding seniors during honors convocation April 26...
Keep ReadingMar 25, 2025 | Special Events, Science
CENTRAL, S.C. – Southern Wesleyan University proudly hosted the 2025 South Carolina Region 1 Science Fair...
Keep ReadingMar 21, 2025 | Academics, Science
CENTRAL, S.C. – Southern Wesleyan University’s School of Science, Technology, and Mathematics (STeM) is pleased to...
Keep ReadingApr 26, 2011 | Academics
Southern Wesleyan University recognized the achievements of outstanding seniors during honors convocation April 26...
Keep ReadingApr 25, 2011 | Development
Rev. James Wiggins, right, Southern Wesleyan University’s vice president for development, presents to University...
Keep ReadingApr 18, 2011 | Alumni, Success Stories: Business
Joel Seavey, Southern Wesleyan University graduate and finance director for the city of Seneca, S.C., found what he...
Keep ReadingApr 15, 2011 | Awards and recognitions
Janelle Beamer, director of communications at Southern Wesleyan University, recently graduated from Leadership South...
Keep ReadingApr 14, 2011 | Fine Arts, Faculty, Awards and recognitions
SWU Music Professor Greg Day received the 2011 SCICU Excellence in Teaching Award.
Keep ReadingApr 13, 2011 | Community, Awards and recognitions
State Representative B.R. Skelton, right, presents to Southern Wesleyan University President David Spittal a...
Keep ReadingApr 11, 2011 | Spiritual Life, Awards and recognitions, Religion
Dr. Benji Kelley, left, received the Virgil A. Mitchell Excellence in Pastoral Ministry award during Trustees chapel...
Keep ReadingApr 8, 2011 | Student Life
A Southern Wesleyan University student’s love of the Chinese people and culture led to an opportunity to work as a...
Keep ReadingApr 4, 2011 | Charleston, Adult Evening programs
SWU celebrates spring graduates
Keep ReadingApr 1, 2011 | Clayton Room, Community
Families from Pickens, Oconee and Anderson counties that date back at least 100 years participated in the event...
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