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How to Destress in College: My Self Love Night Routine

How to Destress in College: My Self Love Night Routine

How to Destress in College: My Self Love Night Routine

by Caroline Chandler on April 16, 2019

Everyone gets stressed and wants to Britney 2007 sometimes, right? Just me? Oh okay, well nevermind. We all get stressed, though, and a “self love night” is a great way to ease stress. It’s a night that you can take just to yourself where you relax and take care of yourself mentally and physically. 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” I know many people use this verse in other ways, but I think we can apply it to self-love as well. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we honor God? Also, self-love night is essential because we are all important. I’m not sure if anyone has told you that recently, but YOU are important and deserve to take care of yourself and feel good.

Self-love night is something I started doing my first semester at SWU and any of my closest friends could tell you how much I enjoy it.

  1. The first step to self-love night is removing distractions. Trust me, putting your phone away for a couple of hours will do you so much good. Tell your friends, family, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. that you won’t be using your phone for a while and put it up.
  2. This my favorite part: put away any homework or textbooks. You can’t relax if you’re staring at something that causes immediate stress.
  3. Put on your favorite playlist or TV show and make a cup of coffee. I usually light my favorite peony candle too and open my window for fresh air (maybe that’s weird, but I enjoy it haha).
  4. I normally take a hot shower and change into my PJs because who doesn’t relax better in their PJs? Then I put on my favorite face mask that’s made out of honey. It’s really good for your complexion and it makes your skin feel super soft after.
  5. Next, I normally paint my nails and toenails. I’m not sure why I paint my nails because I’m clumsy and I always chip them the next day, but it makes me feel good, so that’s okay.
  6. After all of this, I might read some of whatever book I’m reading at the moment or do my devotion or watch some Gossip Girl. ;) I also try to do my self-love nights right before I go to sleep; that way I can go to bed fully relaxed and then I get really good rest for the next day, which is nice.

There isn’t much to it, but it does wonders for you. Taking the time you need to relax and take care of yourself will make you feel so good; and if you plan it right and set aside the time to do it, this night can be something you look forward to each week (I know I do). I promise you won’t regret it once you start. I hope you found this helpful in starting your own self-love routine!


Tags: college, destress, self love