Your education can be one of the best investments you'll ever make — and we'll help you every way we can. Each student is given personal consideration to fit the financial aid package to the student’s need.

Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Aid
1. Get a FSA User ID
An FSA (Federal Student Aid) ID gives you access to Federal Student Aid’s online systems. A FSA User ID will allow you to sign your FAFSA application electronically. If parent information is required on the FAFSA, your parents must also apply for FSA User ID.
2. Fill out the FAFSA
All federal grants, loans, and federal work study program funds are awarded based on the information you provide on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In order to receive federal financial aid, you must complete the FAFSA and submit it for processing. Make sure that you list SWU under the Information Release section. SWU's school code is 003422. If you have questions about the FAFSA, visit our FAFSA page or contact the SWU Financial Aid Office at (864) 644-5556.
3. Entrance Counseling for Student Loans
If you are planning to obtain a loan to cover the cost of education and have never borrowed a Federal Stafford Loan before, you must complete the Entrance Counseling document on the website. You will be prompted to log in to complete the counseling process and will need your FSA ID. The counseling contains information about student loans. You will be asked questions to ensure that you understand the student loan information. Previous Stafford Loan borrowers are waived from this requirement (unless the loan is paid in full).
- Sign-in using the student Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID
- Complete the Entrance Counseling found under the ‘Loans and Grants’ tab.
4. Master Promissory Note for Student Loans
If you are planning to obtain a loan to cover the cost of education, you must complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) on the website. You will be prompted to log in to complete the document and will need your FSA ID. Select the Subsidized/Unsubsidized type for both undergraduate and graduate students. The MPN provides specific information regarding student loans, loan limits, interest, subsidized and unsubsidized loans, and repayment. ALL questions on the Promissory Note must be completed. If you have previously borrowed a Federal Direct Loan within the past 10 years, you are waived from this requirement.
- Sign-in using the student Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID
- Complete the Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan MPN found under the ‘Loans and Grants’ tab.
Please download the Financial Aid Instruction Sheet PDF for details on the required forms and additional financial aid information.
Note: Online and Graduate students planning to begin classes between May 1 and June 30 must complete paperwork for the current financial aid year AND for the upcoming financial aid year.
We're here to answer all of your questions and be sure you have a full understanding of the costs to complete your program, your available funding sources, and the whole process to bring it all together. Contact us at 877-644-5556 or should you need additional help in the aid process.
Financial Aid
Cami Miller - Senior Financial Aid Counselor - Online Programs
Dr. Diana Sanders - Associate Director of Financial Aid, Title IX Coordinator, and Financial Aid Counselor – On-Campus Programs
Bethany Smith - Financial Aid counselor - On-Campus Programs
Financial Aid Office
907 Wesleyan Drive
PO Box 1020
Central, SC 29630
Phone: 864-644-5500