You've Been Accepted! Now What?

02/13/2020 | by Zach Wheeler | Admissions

If you’re reading this, it may mean that you’ve recently been accepted to college! CONGRATULATIONS! Now that you’ve been accepted, I’m sure you may have hundreds of questions about next steps and the process you need to take before you start your college adventure. Here are some to-do's to set yourself up for the best four years of your life:

1. Submit your Housing and Tuition Deposits

To start building your schedule and finalize your spot on campus, these  deposits need to be submitted. The good news is, these costs are one-time payments. At SWU, the tuition deposit counts as a payment on your account for your first semester! The housing deposit secures your spot in a residence hall, and is refunded after graduation as long as there are no charges/damages on your account. Commuters complete an Off-Campus Verification Form and are not required to submit the housing deposit.

2. Submit your FAFSA

I should know as well as anyone that filling out your FAFSA on time and in advance is one of the best decisions you’ll make during your college career. The FAFSA is essential to securing your financial aid, so make sure you get it completed and turned in as soon as possible!

3. Register your vehicle

At almost every university, every student, whether living on campus or commuting, needs to register their vehicle. At SWU, vehicle decals are only $25 dollars, and your car must be registered before classes begin. 

4. Update your Medical History

My freshman year, I was almost dropped from classes two days before the semester start because I was missing a couple of immunizations! Don’t let that be you! Make sure to contact the Health Center to ensure you’re all caught up on immunizations, have an updated physical, and are cleared to live on campus.

5. Visit Campus

Quite possibly the most fun part of the acceptance process is getting to tour campus! This is the best time to get yourself to your school and comfortable with campus. If you haven’t yet set foot on campus, you really should do so, either by attending a Preview Day or setting up a Personal Visit! It’s a time where you can truly discover if you’ll be successful there.

6. Register for Classes

Most colleges also offer the opportunity for you to attend registration days. At SWU, we call them Future Warrior Days. During these days, you can complete some pre-registration tasks, receive your class schedule, finalize your financial aid, speak to an advisor, receive your student ID, meet faculty, and so much more! Upcoming Future Warrior Days are April 18, June 26, and August 3. 

7. New Student Orientation

Incoming freshmen and transfers will attend a New Student Orientation. This is the first time your entire class will come together! It’s a great time for community-building and meeting new people. You get vital information about classes, resources, and upcoming events. At SWU, NSO involves being a part of a worship service, touring the campus, settling into residence halls, and learning how to get the most out of SWU. New Student Orientation at SWU takes place from August 21 - 23, 2020.

Connect with your professors!

Any time in the admissions process, feel free to email your professors and get to know them before you start your classes. Every member of the faculty/staff here at SWU is here for your success. They love and care for you, so why not let them get started a little early? Reach out. They don’t bite!

Just in case you hadn’t heard it enough . . . CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN! It’s such an honor to have the opportunity to attend college. My four years at SWU have been the most rewarding years of my life. Make sure to take full advantage of everything your college has to offer. Have fun and get a move on! The fall semester will be here before you know it. 

For more information and access to forms, visit our Accepted Student Page.

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