5 Things to do Your Last Summer Before College

05/28/2019 | by Zach Wheeler | Admissions

If you’re reading this, you most likely just graduated from high school. Let me be among everyone else telling you CONGRATULATIONS! This is such an exciting time in life. It’s a time where you’re probably letting that graduation money burn a hole through your pocket, you’re probably counting down the days until you move in to your school of choice, or you’re scared to death and have no idea what to do. Don’t worry! I’ve put together a list of my top five tips to help you succeed and stay calm this last summer before college.

1. Shop, shop, SHOP

This was quite possibly my favorite part of preparing for college. This is the time when you get to browse through catalogs and websites to find that comforter you’ve always wanted and those organizational boxes for your room. My favorite tip to tell people is to start early. I actually started shopping for my dorm room before Christmas my senior year of high school. But, if you haven’t started yet, don’t worry! You’ve got plenty of time. I found a really great packing list that you can check out once you want to get started! While you’re shopping, make sure you keep SWU guidelines and policies in mind so you don’t buy something you can’t have/don’t need! Also, there’s no need to bring your whole room! You won’t touch half of it.

2. Find your Roommate

If you haven’t already, you should probably be looking for that special person you’ll be spending a LOT of your time with: your roommate! ;) This is the person you’ll see every day right as you wake up and every night right before you go to sleep…so…choose wisely. There are tons of different ways to find someone to live with, including social media. Follow hashtags, join groups, and reach out to people you’d be interested in living with. You never know; they may become your new best friend!

3. Pack now

When would be a great time to start packing for school? NOW! You should really start getting yourself organized for the big move-in day if you’re living on campus. Not only will this save you time and hassle later, but you’ll also know what you really need to shop for when you go out! You’re about to start a brand new life on campus. Use this as a time to really start over and clean house!

4. Get familiar with your school

It’s never too late to start looking into where you’re going to be for the next four years of your life! So, settle in with your laptop and check out the campus map, things to do at SWU, the surrounding area, and anything else you can think of. If you’ve already secured your schedule, you could map out your classes, look at the floor plan of your residence hall, and even make a planner! Use this summer to really get acquainted with your new “home.”

5. Spend time with friends and family

The biggest tip I can give you for this summer is to relax and enjoy time with your close friends and family. Of the huge number of friends I had in high school, I really only speak to a handful nowadays. Although I used to see my family every day, now it can be weeks or months before I get to see them again. So use your time wisely. Treat every moment as if it’ll be your last, and cherish every memory you make. After all, you’re about to head toward real adulthood and real life. Don’t spend your summer wishing the time away. Enjoy it. You’re only a kid for a little while longer!

So, there you have it! This is a list of my top five things to do your last summer before you head off to college. If you haven't done so already, also be sure to sign up for a Future Warrior Day to register and for New Student Orientation in August! This summer is a great time to buckle down and get ready, but it’s also a great time to slow down and enjoy the time you have left as a kid. Seriously, soak it in. You’re never going to get this time back. Celebrate graduating and be excited for the future, but don’t miss what’s right in front of you!

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