4 Tips on How to Survive Finals Week

04/24/2019 | by Zach Wheeler | Academics

There are always so many mixed emotions as the end of the semester heads our way! It seems like when you reach April, everything else just seems to fly by. Now that we only have a few more days of classes, our last mountain we have to get over . . . the dreaded . . . EXAM WEEK. This is the week where we pull all-nighters, cram our brain with textbooks and textbooks full of information, and pretty much live off of coffee from Blue Hill and pizza from Palmetto. But! What if I told you this week doesn’t have to be this way? I mean…still keep the coffee and pizza but, what if I told you there was a way to survive exam week and make it less stressful? Here are some tips of how I’ve been surviving exam weeks for the past three years:

  1. Study NOW! This is honestly the biggest piece of advice I can give you. Even though it feels like those final projects, papers, and assignments just keep piling up over your head, make sure you start studying as soon as you possibly can. Studying early on helps your brain actually learn, digest, and store the material rather than just cramming and regurgitating it for a test. Trust me, I know it’s easy to just study the night before but think about how much stress you’ll save yourself by starting now.
  2. Be organized. One of the great keys to success is organization. Especially leading up to and during exam week, make sure you stay on top of everything you need to get done. Create a daily schedule, update that planner you haven’t touched since the second week of class, and maybe even clean your room! Keeping your mind, and life, free of clutter will help you focus on what you really need to focus on.
  3. Stay on your toes! Don’t let anything take you by surprise during this week! We all know what it feels like to flip open that test and not know the answers to the first three questions . . . so to avoid that, go to class, ask questions, meet with your professors, go through your study guides, even study what’s not on the study guide, and do everything in your power to be as prepared as possible. Just be flexible and rely on the resources you’ve got!
  4. Take breaks. Possibly the most important thing you can do during the weeks leading up to and the week of exam week is to let yourself have some free time. We have to give ourselves time to recharge and relax. Balance is key – make sure you take some time to reward yourself for all your hard work. THIS INCLUDES SLEEP!! You’re not going to be able to function the next day if you stay up all night. Make sure you manage your time well, so you don’t even need to consider that option.

Well, there you have it! My top four ways to be successful during exam week. Now, just one last thing. Remember to have fun! While this is definitely one of the hardest weeks of the semester, this is also some of the last days you’ll be on campus until next year. If you’re a senior, these are some of the last days you’ll be on campus as a student. Sure, keep yourself on track and be prepared, but let yourself enjoy this time. After all, we’re only here for four years; make the most of it!

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