
Weekly chapel services are a time set aside for our campus community to gather together as one body to worship. Chapel services offer students spiritual growth experiences through a wide variety of special guest speakers, music styles, and other unique worship opportunities. Regular chapel services are at 10:00 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays each semester. Each student is required to attend 24 spiritual formation events each semester. There are more than 40 opportunities to choose from to fulfill your requirement. For specific opportunities, see the chapel schedule.

To watch the live stream, visit the SWU YouTube channel, and be sure to subscribe for notifications! To watch recorded chapel services, visit the chapel playlist (or SWU Chapel Archives for services prior to April 2020).

Chapel FAQ

Monday and Wednesday services take place in Newton Hobson Chapel Auditorium. These services will also be live streamed to the main SWU YouTube account. During the semester, Friday communion services will also be offered in Dupin Amphitheater.

If you are a traditional student with 12 or more course hours, yes.

In addition to Monday/Wednesday services, there are other opportunities and services offered during the semester, including come-and-go Friday communion services at the Dupin Amphitheater. Students may also get up to eight credits by attending small groups/discipleship groups. Group leaders have the ability to scan attendance on their phone.

You are responsible for keeping up with your chapel attendance.

Chapel attendance is tracked by a system called iAttended. Each student can register for his or her own account. An app can be downloaded to the student’s phone, and then the student can use that app to scan in to each chapel event. The app will track how many chapels the student has attended, which chapels were attended, and give a list of all upcoming chapel events. In addition to using the app, the student can also access his or her chapel attendance data by logging onto

Here is a short video explaining how to download the app.

Please notify Rev. Heath Mullikin at > or Michaela Wickham at as soon as possible should you notice any discrepancy in your chapel report. It is good practice to check your chapel report weekly so if there is a discrepancy, we can discuss the chapel event and correct it early.

Rev. Heath Mullikin, the University Chaplain, will be happy to assist you further. You can make an appointment to see him by visiting the Spiritual Life and Ministry Offices (located in the Newton Hobson Chapel and Fine Arts Center).