
Career Services has partnered with Handshake to replace our current SWU Career Link system for personalized job/internship recommendations and to register for career events and services. 

Follow the instructions below to help you build your Handshake Profile:

Step 1: Activate your Handshake profile HERE. After activation you can login at https://swu.joinhandshake.com/login. This is the easiest step — sign up for Handshake with your “.edu” email and complete the activation steps.

Step 2: Upload your resume. Did you know that you can upload your resume and your Handshake profile will auto-pull tons of information? Save yourself the effort of writing information multiple times; upload your resume before adding anything else to your profile! Then you’ll only have to fill in any blanks. Your new resume uploads may go through an approval process with Career Services staff members to become active in Handshake.

Step 3: Fill out your job preferences. That means selecting desired locations where you’d like to work, preferred job roles, and your ideal job type: part-time, full-time, internship, or on-campus.

Step 4: Add experience to your profile. Add any volunteering, internships, or work that you’ve already completed to your profile. This allows prospective employers to see your previous (or current) responsibilities.

Step 5: Follow five interesting employers. Explore different organizations and companies on Handshake and follow them for updates. Often, recruiters check who is following them — it can help you get on their radar and ensure you get first alerts for new opportunities!

Step 6: Pick up your phone...and never miss a message, event, or job by downloading the Handshake app at the App Store or Google Play