The Transition from Folger to Newton Hobson Explored
CENTRAL, S.C. – Media communication students, in conjunction with the marketing department is releasing a video showcasing Folger Fine Arts building and Newton Hobson Chapel and Fine Arts Center on campus, as well as the history behind both buildings.
The video will be released on SWU’s Facebook and Instagram pages. This story is to aid in sharing some of SWU’s campus history with current students, as well as prospective students and their families. It will share testimonials that display how the transition from Folger to Newton Hobson has changed SWU life for alumni, students, professors, and others who work and are involved in both buildings.
The Folger fine arts building was built in 1963 and completed in 1964. Thomas A. Folger was the building's principal donor, a resident of Central and a textile executive, as well as a longtime friend of the college. He requested it to be named Folger after his parents.
Newton Hobson Chapel and Fine Arts Center was completed and dedicated in 2008. During the dedication ceremony, President Phillip Fritts made this remark about Folger and Newton Hobson. “We reflect in Folger where God has worked in many of our lives. A lot of you who experienced Folger know that there are times when God worked in your life and there are times you were able to meet others and you were able to relate to them. That’s no different for the Newton Hobson building. We look forward to what God has in store for us.”
Newton Hobson Chapel and Fine Arts Center has several upcoming fine arts events open to the public, including Lessons and Carols on Friday, December 02, 2022, at 7:30 PM and SWU’s spring musical, “The Little Mermaid" which will have performances March 23-25, 2023. Come experience the space for yourself.
Southern Wesleyan University is a Christ-centered, student-focused, faith-filled community that offers inventive learning experiences. The university endeavors to prepare its students to be dedicated scholars and servant-leaders who impact the world for Christ. For details about degree programs, go online to
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