SWU ‘goes the extra mile’ to ensure travel agent’s success

Feb 11, 2016 | Alumni | Columbia | Adult Evening programs | 2016 Presidents Report-Profiles | SWU Online Alumni

A slip of paper found in an old purse led Karen Clinton to the next step in her career.

Shortly after moving to Columbia, Clinton found the purse and its forgotten contents, a piece of paper where she had previously written a list of 10 goals.

“There were three things that were left: to successfully run a business with my husband, get my MBA, and for us to be financially able to care for ourselves and kingdom things,” Clinton said, adding that she found the list shortly after she spoke with a friend whose mother attended Southern Wesleyan University. She talked it over with her friend and, with encouragement from her husband, Trevor Clinton, she decided to enroll in the MBA program at Southern Wesleyan’s Columbia learning center.

Clinton recalled the extra mile one of her professors would go that helped her effectively retain what she learned in a business class.

“In our cohorts we had to teach back what we learned; I learn by doing; This was a really powerful method to help me retain what I learned,” she said.

Attending classes that met once a week in a Christian environment was especially appealing to Clinton. One class in particular conflicted with her weekly Bible study, but Clinton appreciated how her professors would start their classes with devotionals and prayers. She earned her MBA in 2012.

“I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but didn’t know how to do it,” she said.

Over the past two years Clinton says great things have been happening, particularly with the travel business she is operating with her husband, Way2go Travel.

“One thing I love is helping people turn vacation dreams into reality. When asking them what that dream vacation looks like, it’s rewarding to see their faces when you can put together an affordable vacation package,” Clinton said.

Though there are challenges involved in researching travel options and seeking a travel package that fits a client’s budget, there are also rewards, such as hearing from a client who had a great trip and seeing them become a long-term customer.

“I have many local agents on my team,” Clinton said, adding that their sales have helped them gain a high ranking statewide. Many of her team members are single mothers who choose to work at home so they can spend time with their families.

The practical things learned in class, and having integrity in business practices is something Clinton appreciates in an industry where competition can be “cutthroat.”

“Just the experience of being at SWU – I hold that near and dear to my heart,” Clinton said. “The principles I learned is the way God would have me to conduct business.”

With regional education centers conveniently located across South Carolina, as well as fully online programs for select degrees, Southern Wesleyan University is a Christ-centered, student-focused learning community devoted to transforming lives by challenging students to be dedicated scholars and servant-leaders who impact the world for Christ. For details about degree programs, visit swu.edu.

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