SWU emphasizes spirituality

Sep 9, 2008 | Spiritual Life
Christian Chapman, spiritual emphasis speaker
Spiritual Emphasis Week took place Sept. 7-9, 2008, at Southern Wesleyan University in Central, featuring Christian Chapman, a dynamic speaker from Charlotte, who urged students to take on a leadership role in their spiritual walk and be Christ-like in their lives and their witness seven days a week. Chapman, above, graduated from Southern Wesleyan University. He has been involved in Athletics in Action and youth ministry. He also was recently part of a racing-themed reality series on Spike TV. Chapman has competed in college baseball, motocross and nationally in a professional golf “Longest Drive” competition. Spiritual Emphasis Week also featured student-led worship and student testimonials. These were the first spiritual emphasis services to take place in the recently-completed Newton Hobson Chapel and Fine Arts Center.