Southern Wesleyan dedicates Alumni Walk

May 6, 2011 | Alumni | Advancement
Cutting the ribbon and officially opening SWU's new Alumni Walk, from left, are Joy Bryant, executive director of alumni and constituent relations; Sue Rickman, alumni board member; Darl Fowler, alumni board member; Janene Bryson, alumni board president; and Lewis Edwards, alumni board member.
Southern Wesleyan University’s new Alumni Walk was dedicated before spring graduation ceremonies May 5 on the university’s campus in Central. Cutting a ribbon, from left, are Joy Bryant, executive director of alumni and constituent relations; Sue Rickman, alumni board member; Darl Fowler, alumni board member; Janene Bryson, alumni board president; and Lewis Edwards, alumni board member. After the ribbon was cut, 2011 graduates became the first class to travel the Alumni Walk, featuring bricks engraved with names and class years of graduates. Each brick represents a $100 donation that helps Southern Wesleyan fund scholarships, invest in state-of-the-art classroom equipment, expand campus ministries and enhance other student activities. For details about donating bricks to the Alumni Walk, contact the alumni office at (864) 644-5384.