Seeing Southern Wesleyan University ‘in a new light’

Nov 29, 2016 | Community
Jordan Trotter of Southern Wesleyan University’s physical plant staff replaces conventional 34-watt fluorescent tubes with newer 18-watt LED tubes in the Brower classroom building on the Central campus.
As it becomes critically important to be good stewards of God’s creation, Southern Wesleyan University feels that its investment in LED (light-emitting diode) lighting technology will pay dividends down the road for the planet and also in the form of significant energy cost savings.
Southern Wesleyan is in the process of transitioning from conventional light fixtures to more energy-efficient LED fixtures, which should result in significant savings over a short period of time. According to Adam Ladd of Southern Wesleyan’s physical plant, the installation work began Oct. 31 and is expected to be completed by the end of December.
“Most if not all of our SWU maintained sidewalk and pole lights have been changed and many more exterior lights are changing soon,” said Ladd.
Duke Energy is offering an incentive for the university to convert to the new LED lighting. The total project spend will be approximately $162,000, but with available rebates from Duke Power “in the neighborhood of $115,000,” the net one-time cost to SWU will be $47,000, according to Mark Reeves, vice president for finance and auxiliary services.
“Based on historic meter readings and the guaranteed reduction in energy usage, it is projected that SWU will save over $90,000 annually with this conversion to LED,” Reeves said.
The installation is initially focusing on lights that remain on continually or for many hours each day, such as those found in lobbies and other public areas. Installation in Tysinger gymnasium was completed in late November. Also being replaced are outdoor lights controlled by photocells that switch them on at night. The only exception currently, according to Reeves, will be lighting at the outdoor athletic venues.
Chicago-based Vivid Energies and the physical plant staff have been performing the installation of the new lights.
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