Rev. Kyle Ray featured speaker at Spiritual Emphasis
Joining hands to pray before a spiritual emphasis service at SWU are, from left, Rev. Bob Kerstetter, Sanchez Fair, Rev. Kyle Ray and Phil Pranger.
Fair, who attended SWU and is currently student pastor at Forest Hill Church in Waxhaw, N.C., led musical worship along with a team of musicians from Forest Hill. Ray is lead pastor of Kentwood Community Church, with campuses in Kentwood and Wyoming, Mich., and Nagpur, India. Kerstetter is Southern Wesleyan’s director of worship and discipleship and Pranger is Southern Wesleyan’s director of Residence Life. Ray’s message, based largely on Hebrews 11, focused on finding God’s purpose. Ray was called into fulltime ministry following several years of working in the mechanical engineering field.