NACSA recognizes SWU Campus Safety

May 1, 2020 | Awards and recognitions

Tom Saccenti, President of the National Association of Campus Safety Administrators (NACSA), awarded the Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grant to Southern Wesleyan University. This grant is a partnership between NACSA and Alertus that provides up to $75,000 in hardware and software for emergency alerting systems.

The National Association of Campus Safety Administrators (NACSA) awarded the Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grant to Southern Wesleyan University April 28.

This grant is a partnership between NACSA and Alertus that provides up to $75,000 in hardware and software for emergency alerting systems. The grant application was submitted in the fall of 2019 and Brad Bowen, director of campus safety, was notified earlier this spring that SWU was among the finalists. The grant will allow SWU to implement new technologies such as emergency alert beacons in buildings across campus, while better leveraging existing technologies such as SWUALERT, IP phones, and computers into a cohesive alerting system across campus. 

Bowen said, “This will be a game changer, especially in how we reach our guests during summer camps, admissions visits, concerts, athletics, homecoming and other special events. Our constituents do not have phones or computers in front of them at all times, so strategic layers of redundancy are needed.”

Bowen was also presented with a wooden flag by Micah and James Saccenti, who make flags for veterans and first responders and also use their skills to raise funds for ministries through their business, Flags by Micah and James

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