A Love Letter to Twentysomethings Everywhere encourages young adults in life and faith

Jan 19, 2022 | Academics | Faculty
GREENVILLE, SC – From the heart of Dr. Paul Shotsberger, author of Choices: God’s and Ours (2018) and Moments that Matter (2020), A Love Letter to Twentysomethings Everywhere is a collection of life stories meant to encourage young adults in their careers, relationships and faith journeys. A Letter to Twentysomethings Everywhere touches on the issues of growing up from being bullied to young love, the need for healing and even loss. Shotsberger, a twentysomething at heart though now in his sixties, has a deep passion for young adults and an even deeper understanding of the uncertainties, frustrations and days of growth young adulthood promises.
As a professor of undergraduate students at Southern Wesleyan University and member of a church mostly populated by college students and young professionals, Shotsberger spends at least six days a week with college-aged people. Through these relationships, he has gleaned a rich understanding of the challenges and concerns of the contemporary twentysomething. Shotsberger noticed through myriad conversations with college-aged friends that most were wishing away their twenties in the hopes of an age when they would feel more successful and less burdened by relationships, work and finances.
“We don’t grow up when we hit some magical age,” said Shotsberger. “We grow up when we reach out and grasp hope by the tail and allow it to pull us into the future.”
Gen Z, the current generation of college students, is the most educated, diverse and culturally aware generation in history. They are also the most anxious. The mid-life crisis has given way to the quarter-life crisis in which doubt reigns supreme with large percentages of young people reporting self-harm, suicidal ideation and feelings of being completely overwhelmed. Aside from the challenges and frustrations already facing young adults, the last two years – filled with social and political unrest as well as a global pandemic – has introduced new anxieties and brought to light many shortcomings of our society.
Shotsberger notes that, in a world that seems full of empty promises, hope is a constant necessity. More specifically, hope in promises to be fulfilled by a loving God. As we enter a new year, Shotsberger hopes that his collection of personal stories of patience, growth and faith will be an encouragement for twentysomethings and anyone who is looking for something more to believe in.
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